Teaching March 07,2019
Overcoming and Knowing Who God Really Is (Part 1) Opening Chapters in Isaiah chptrs 42,43,44Chptr 46:5-7 and 16-25 and also 41:10 I would reccommend ALL churches ,ministries review and study these Scriptures even saying them out loud together for the coming days will be filled with chaos and many will perish for lack of knowledge for they did not learn and receive the truth……. John 4:24John 14:6John 8:24John 12:45John 3:16-17John 14:27John 17:31John 4:81John 5:9-101John 1_9Rev 22:13Titus 1:2Deu 32:4Deu 4:31Col 1:161John 3:1-24Exodus 3:14Num 23:191Tim 1:171Tim 4:4Luke 18:27Genesis 1:1Romans 5:3-5,8Romans 8:17-18Rom 12:1-2 Exodus 34:6-7Psalm 27:1Psalm 50:10-12James 1:17James 1:2-4Phil 4:12-13Heb 4:12Heb 10:362Sam 7:221Cor 10:132Cor 12:92Coe 4:81Peter 5:6-71Peter 5:102Tim 2:5Eph 4:6Matt 19:26Gal 6:9 By Bette Stevenswww.vvmint.org