About Us

John and Bette Stevens grew up knowing the Lord. Bette starting out as Roman Catholic, and knew nothing about the Holy Spirit. John on the other hand knew about the Holy Spirit; but got busy with other things and lost sight of his personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
It was not until John and Bette met and got married that they KNEW that they urgently needed to return to there First Love- Jesus Christ! From there is when everything began to come back into focus. God bless them with four children, all whom are now grown. God has continued to pour out His blessings upon them with thirteen grand children.
They were in a local Church for almost twenty-five years; and the Lord called them away from that local Church as HE sifted, purified, and transformed us into the greater image of Jesus Christ!
God has called them into ministry and on Sunday, February 21, 2010 they were ordained as Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through there Overseer, Brother Patrick Kirk of Kingdom Encouragers Ministries International.
God has birthed a Church in our midst for His Glory! Bette Stevens have been healed of cancer, not just once but twice by the Hand of the Lord. God has imparted a heart for Israel and the LOST! God has made us his Under-Shepherds who are the caretakers and anointed to teach and to impart sound Kingdom Foundational Principles and the whole counsel and the Kingdom oracles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
God has also given Bette a Prophetic Vision for which the Lord has commissioned her to write a book, titled: “REDEEMED FROM HELL”, which has been written as God’s Endtime Plea and Warning to His Remnant and Kingdom People. Get your copy here.
Thank you for sharing .
I have not fully heard yoru testimony but i am going too.
So far . I thank GOD and you .=) for sharing .
it make my feet curl up that i want to share this lots of people .
Thank you
Sandra Luz Farmer
please feel free to share the testimonies after you read them…….God bless
I heard you on John the Baptist. Confirmation!!! It was as if every word you were speaking was Rhema to me. God had shown me most of what you said. It clarified how I get visions, too, and seldom think of them as a message. I was wrong. What do you think of the Christian enclaves that are coming? Also called safe havens? I think they are a wise place from which to operate as the end times church, sending out from there and welcoming those weary travelers.
Hi Mike
Thank you for your comment…….there will be safe havens…..In some places they are already in the making…….God bless you…..
Safe Havens will be available…….
I pray that you move to WV. We need you here! Please pray for my 33 year old son who was saved until he went to college. We don’t blame it on anyone but ourselves for not giving him a firm enough foundation! Do you know of any churches I could attend near Beckley, WV that would be similar to the one you attend. I’m so not satisfied with our Pastor and I must follow what my husband wishes to do. So torn. Please teach us how to witness to others! I am beyond shy! Blessings and Prayers going out to you, your husband, and your wonderful family!
Hi Terri
I thank you for your kind words.I do not know personally of a church around there….We have our own………God called us out of the main streams churches years ago….We have a house church and we are also somewhat mobile….We also do fellowship,bibles studies on skype…….by computer….
If you should ever be in columbus ,please let us know and stop by …….
God bless you
Hi Sister Bette – when is the Fellowship Bible Study? and Boots on the Ground or Boot Camp is that still available?
Hi Sister Christine
We have Fellowship Bible study through our house church here in Ohio and yes Boots on the Ground is still available and I have put the first 2 lessons up here on the website.
Dear sister Better, thank you for your stern,no nonsense approach, I appreciate your deep devotional leadership that is an attribute to what a woman of God should aspire to be, Sister, you are a Debra! Sister,I would like prayer for my unsaved children, these are their names Anna, Julie and my youngest son Michael. Michael is currently serving time in Phoenix AZ. on drug charges, he is due for release on Feb.14, 2019. About two years ago the Lord gave me a vision showing me that Satan had a hook on the back of Michael’s neck, I told this to my son,of course he denied he was doing anything wrong, about two weeks later he was arrested. Michael needs deliverance from drugs,I lift them up to the Lord in prayer,I know that the Lord is in the business of rescuing the lost, I have the faith they will be saved. God’s blessings sister to you and yours.
We have been praying and will continue to pray for your family…God bless you
God bless you dear sister, We also lift you and your husband up in prayer, thank you for availing yourself to the Lord, through you we hear the Lord’s voice and His will and instructions for our lives during these dark last days. Many blessing
Thank you dear sister…May God richly bless you and keep you in His safety.Many blessings
I am very excited about what God is doing through your ministry and would like to be part of your church for working together here in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
So please, l am glad to invite you to come establish the church here in my Country for His glory and to make progress His plan on the earth.
I will appreciate to hearing from you soon, please.
Pastor Mwamba Watekwa Eusphate
I get errors when I try to fill out Contact form on your website.
Tanks for sharing jésus messe gestion with us pray for my husban Gaetan he have not yet born again
Thankyou so much for your work for the Lord.I do appreaciate your Word and wish you endevors with Holy Spirit work Father Abba and Jesus be blessed.Covering with Lord Jesus Christ be with you ,Husband and Ministry i know God will find ways for you yo continue on this most important journey saving souls one a a time.luv of Christ always
Hi sis,
I was seeking the truth in life, as I felt there is more than the life was living, I was born in Roman Catholic family and did know anything, however was regularly in novena on Wednesday however and also was in So many other sin however was getting up at midnight every day at 3pm and was started to do research and then started to read bible after that, I use to read bible every day not every and only daily bible verse.
Initially the path was difficult to walk and u started reading I use fell slippy and tired and was unable to understand the bible, the journey was on to search and by the holy spirit guidennce i was understanding the bible parable and God was confirming with some video and started following by his Grace changed me and made me to confess all my sin and I accepted Jesus Christ in my life, I stop going to church u asked Jesus to guide me for new church or for baptism but dis not hear, I am from India and was working in dubai however he guided me to move back to India, I am born again last year in 2018, this year Feb I lost my job, I moved back to India with my family, and waiting to hear from God, not working untill now and walking with our Lord Jesus Christ daily, the path is difficult when i share my faith with the family and friends but they don’t understand as usual, as Jesus said no servant is greater than the master. I am waiting to hear from God but as I get message wait and have faith and be dependable as isrial was when they came from Egypt. Pray for me will be in contact. GOD BLESS IN CHRIST JESUS.
Dear sister Bette,
I’m in desperate need of sanctuary but I have no license nor car. I’ve been gaslighted and abused for many years and…well, I cannot say but it’s a critical time and I am to be with other believers. It is time. Please ma’am. It’s awfully cold here and I’ve no family nor friends remaining since I converted and saved. I’m being born again but I cannot seem to out down cigarettes- this stress is a huge burden. I pray you see this and can say a PRAYERS and offer me a way to get to you I’ll help with whatever please pray on it ma’am. All my thanks love and prayers,
I would like to be part of the phone group ministry that you do if possible. I am currently in a phone group but looking to make more friends and mire teaching. I am in nj. I am widowed and disabled. Came back to the Lord in 2017. Had some amazing experiences and deliverance. I fell backwards a little tho after some rejection. I used to suffer from severe anxiety, I have 2 close friends and wanting more.
Dear Bette I can”t find your U Tube videos. God Bless You! Dora
We continue to pray and seek the Lord for what He wants us to do…….
Dear Dora
I responded back to you in an email
Dear Bette Stevens
I just love hearing your videos and listen to them often as I have found them to be very interesting insightful and thought provoking, but now I cannot locate your videos or even locate your page on Youtube.
I know one of the last videos I saw said you were going to be off line for a while, but that’s been a while since.
Did you take it down or did Youtube shut you down.
God Bless to you and your husband.
Praying for great health and safety for both of you.
In HIS Service
I was subscribed to your channel and now your subscription is gone. Did you get off of youtube or did they cancel your channel. I really liked your channel.
Dear Bette will you post your words from the Lord now that you are not on you tube? Blessings to you and your ministry.
Dear Bette,
Did you pull off of YouTube? If so, I understand. Thank you for all the videos previously posted and all blessings to you and your husband.
Hi Janet
I replied to you by email
Hi Bette, I’ve been searching for you and can’t find you anywhere. I hope and pray you and John are ok. I really miss your videos and your messages. I don’t get any notices from you any more. Please be blessed and I’m praying for you and John. Linda
Dear Sister Bette..I found you on YouTube and miss your channel so much. I hope all is well with you and your family. Prayers and Spiritual Hugs for you!
I am back on youtube.Be blessed
Hi Linda
I am back on youtube.Be blessed
Look for me back on youtube.Be blessed
I am back on youtube.Be blessed.and yes there will be some things on the website.
I am now back on youtube.Be blessed
I am back on youtube..Be blessed
I am back on youtube..Be blessed
Yes I am back on youtube…Be blessed
Please try again.Should be working…..God bless you
Need prayer for more spiritual relationship with the Holy Spirit and Jesus I don’t hear them or feel them very rarely. Keep seeking. Don’t know what else to do.being tempted badly with the flesh feelings. Live with my family who sin when I’m trying everything to get clean by the blood of Jesus unsure if I have the spirit don’t feel any of the gifts or really hear the spirit please need prayer thank you Debbie
I confirm the chat about Safe Havens. God has given me all the details of one here in New Zealand..
I didn’t know there was such a thing revealed to anyone else in the body.
Very encouraging.
But I’m just so Glad and assured that God speaks directly to his Sheep. It comes from no other source but by divine appointment! Those that try to create their own in their own strength will not stand in his Glory.
So they will not be a Glory pocket!.
No use to anyone being saved or hidden..
But by his grace, he has a remnant that blesses many with a place prepared here for us who are harvested to worship and be edified.
Why would it be here?
It was in heaven right!
Well the Kingdom of God is here!
We gather in his temple.
Hi Lisa
It is nice to hear from you…God is always gracious to hear us and likewise to hear from us……Be blessed
Thankyou Bette I’m listening to you via You Tube Servants Heart. What do you think of mental illness my husband and I are separated just now but I know he loves me and I him. He has truly been saved since 1978 and myself from 1981 but our relationship is difficult because of his illness . I’m perplexed about this. Is if deliverance he needs or medication 🤔 it is difficult but we both truly want to serve Jesus. Just pray for light for us. And I pray for you and your husband and the work. I live inAboyne in Scotland. Every Covenant Blessing x
your welcome Susie
We will be praying and thank you for your prayers.God bless you from Ohio
Hi Sister Bette, I am new to your channel and I am now following you. You speak the will of Our Father in heaven and would like to get to know you as a Christian Mother, the words of the Father touches me and I know that you hearfrom him and I am grateful that you are His mouth piece… I would like to know when you will have prayer time so that I will be able to pray with you and others true saints of God. Thanks and God bless you and your family ❤
Dear sister Bette,
I give Almighty God ALL GLORY AND THANKS for your obedience to Him! The YouTube message “Love…” posted today, February 17, was of great encouragement and Truth for me. Ignore the tempting of the ‘nay-sayers’ to not publish what Ruach has shown you to be obedient in doing. I truly needed this Bread this very day. Yes, there are, and have been, many physical and spiritual attacks on me and others in The Body. I will be praying for you and yours; we definitely need each other in this darkness and in these last days. I have asked The Lord if I am to prepare a haven or to leave; please stand with me for confirmation. I live on the gulf coast and have been given visions of the devastation coming here and even at my abode, a tsunami that will go up the Mississippi river, and huge hurricane that starts from Florida and goes straight westward scrubbing the entire southern portions of Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. The Lord kept me safe and a haven from all of the past storms of south Texas throughout the last 12 years that I have been in this area. HE ALONE IS our shelter and Peace and is faithful – HALLELU-YAH! I pray for HIS direction at this time and that I clearly hear ONLY Him and His will. Thank you for your website to fellowship, request prayer, and to feed The Sheep of His pasture. ALL GLORY to Him alone and IN Christ, Lisa
Amen Lisa
Stay in touch and maybe we can connect soon to talk.God bless
I have been watching you and Sister Mary(Gods Handmaiden). She has started a safe haven in TN. Do you know of any here in Ohio? God Bless you and your husband for all you do.
I believe I sent you an email response
Hi Sister Bette, I know your plate is full. May I ask for a ‘prayer request’. I have two sons Ben, age 36 and Dominic, age 31. I’d like prayer for deliverance from all worldliness, demonic oppression, strongholds, and any/all hindrances keeping them from serving God. I pray that they’d be mighty men of God and that their names shall be written into the Lamb’s Book of Life, according to the Book of Revelations.
I had 3 sons. I lost my middle son 3 years ago this past February of an accidental drug overdose. It does bother me to know that my two living sons, who were raised in church, aren’t seeking and living for God according to the Bible and as God asks us to. The lateness of the hour of Jesus’ return is fast approaching and so is the rapture. I truly believe my God is able, as His Word tells me so…
Thank You my sister in Jesus. Be BLESSED in the mighty Name of Jesus!!!
Hello Sister Lucille
We have added your prayer request….Thank you…….much is going on and we all need all the prayers we can get….amen
God bless
Sis Bette
Hello dear Bette and John, I see your videos on lighthascome.com. I recently got a shofar, and at first thought it didn’t work. I did a search on youtube on “how to blow a shofar” and there are some very helpful videos out there. I still need some practice, but thought watching a few videos might help you too! The true Jewish New Year is coming up on 3/24, and Passover soon too.
Thank you for your ministry and Kingdom work. If you could please keep my daughter Abby in prayer for salvation, and me for clear direction on moving (Abba has given me a general area, but that is all I know) that would be wonderful. I thank you in advance.
Blessings, encouragement, gratitude, hugs, love, and shalom, in King Yahushua’s Mighty Name!
…a couple of tips on the shofar…one video mentions that you din’t just blow into it. You kind of have to that *rasberry’ thing with your lips. You can practice on the palm of your hand, and then try to get your lips tighter and a higher *rasberry.* This video explains it and helped me: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ojY-yy94FaI
Happy practicing!
Thank you Julie
I will check it My husband is the one that knows how to play the shofar well.I actually have the smaller nne…..we have several people in our minstry that play the shofar.
God blessyou
Intercessory Prayer Request
Dear Bette,
I need prayers (God knows what I need). I know that Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man (1 Timothy 2:5), but God also hears the prayers of believers on behalf of others (Acts 12:5,12). I need faith, spiritual guidance, boldness and discernment. I desperately need God. I will continue to pray for others too.
Thank you for your messages on YouTube.
Intercessory Prayer Request
Dear Bette,
I desperately need a miracle. A miracle of faith that is unwavering. Also God knows that I’ve been asking for it too among other things. I feel ABANDONED.
Dear Bette,
(and Lily, I am praying for a miracle for you and that you will feel Yahushua’s love)
Thank you for your most recent video which gives some reassurance that Abba will protect and move (some of us) soon.
On hearing the shofar. I almost emailed you last week. Some people can hear the shofar with their spiritual ears. I know because this was happening to me in 2015. Today, 3/24 is Nisan 1 at the sighting of the new moon in Israel, the true beginning of the Jewish New Year. I am sure many will be blowing their shofars this day. I will. You mentioned what it means when many are blowing the shofar. Passover also begins sunset 4/8.
Blessings, encouragement, and shalom to you, your family, and your ministry,
Keep us in your prayer for guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT.
We will keep you in prayers……
Dear Julie
Thank you for your response.Yes the shofar is blowing.
God’s blessings to you and encouragement and wisdom
Missed you Sister!
Thank you for giving to us what God has spoken to you.
I am praying for you and your husband during this great change that has happened to the both of you because of your husbands lay off from work.
May God Bless Your Family
Guy P.
Hello Brother
Thank you for all your prayers…..In this time of one thing we know,God is good all the time and all the time God is good.
God bless you and yours
Bette and John
Greetings Sister Bette and Brother John in Jesus Christ Mighty Name!! Right now, the Lord has me off of IG (@rebirth_15) and Facebook/Twitter and I have limited use on Youtube. I tried to post my testimony on there multiple times, but YouTube rejected it. However, by the Grace of God, it was posted on the Forgiven Sinners social media page :)! I came to Christ Jesus in 2015 and nothing’s been the same since!! Glory HALLELUYAH!! Also, I was led to Your Youtube page around February due to the C virus and have been truly blessed with the utterances that Lord Jesus have spoken through You. I pray that He will continue to hold, bless, and keep you, your husband, ministry, and family and please keep me and my family in your prayers. I love you all Dearly and thank you so much again for standing your position in the Body of Christ; Love, Taylor Stany 🙂
Hi Brother Taylor
Thank you for your donation….I hope all is well……We continue to press forward…..Our hope is in Christ…..It is a time of deepening our relationship with Him…..
God bless you…..and Brother John says hello.
Hi sister I’ve been watching you on YouTube in the last week of 2019 I was very uneasy and I kept getting in my spirit “2020 20+20=40 I knew something was up for 2020 just didn’t know what. Please keep myself and family in prayers I’m not married and living with the father of my 3 children ages 7,4 and 2 my youngest has been diagnosed with delays and needs therapy I’m praying for a miracle for him that he speaks that’s the only thing he hasn’t done he will be 3 in October plz keep us in prayers I’m also praying for a way to make my relationship right in the sight of God I know not being married is a sin I thank you again and your messages do convey urgency bless you and your husband
Sister Bette:
I just sent a comment to you and received message that it was a duplicate. I hope not because I was giving thanks for the recent YT vids – new assignments coming and something not ever seen before. And it was good communicating with you earlier today. Please keep me in your prayers that I will resist the devil and he shall flee and draw nigh unto Our loving adorable Savior. Pray for my eyesight so blurry. Thank you, Sis Kathy Kay
Dear Bette,
Thank you so much for displaying the holy ghost fire living within u. So many false prophets are speaking today. Plz pray for me. I have fire to spread the gospel but I don’t have anyone to go with or even a mentor to teach me. When Yahweh called me to preach in my church, I didn’t get much support until AFTER I preached & people could finally see that God was leading me. People think that my youth stops me from having discernment but I know my Lord has gifted me with it & the gift to preach. I’m the only one in this house who knows we’re truly in the last days & it hurts because I just want them to prepare. Please pray for God’s guidance over myself and my family. Also, how can I find the safe houses? I’m in Illinois. I’ll travel as far as I need to. Thank you sister. Be blessed!
Last night( 6/6/20 ) while listening to a bible study with one earphone in I heard a sound GOT up and looked around but nothing, it sounded like a Shofar. I have heard shofar and trump sounds a few times lately, and while I am listening to bible study which I go to sleep to EVERY night for the last 6 to 8 months. I felt it was,in my spirit. We live in the country so,pretty darn quiet out here. PRAISE JESUS,BLESSINGS.
I just wanted to say Thank you so much for your obedience in following God. I have been blessed listening to your ministry on YouTube. Again all glory to God and I thank him for allowing me to hear your end of days messages before the return of our Lord & Savior Jesus the Christ.
You are very welcome..May God richly bless you
To the lady living on Gulf side of Fla, wondering about leaving or staying, I feel strongly Florida will be wiped off the map by tsunami also. Along with most of the east coast into TN and Alabama. NYC and DC will be also gone.
And the Mississippi will be greatly widened. Then I learned about the New Madrid fault so that explains the Mississippi becoming miles wide….when it cracks.
Oh Lord, help us all to know, go or stay! I know I am to go from where I am! Just finding that where is my burden right now. He will provide — and shed light as I make each step in the path He has for me and those that go with me. Praise Jesus!
Hi, Thank you for your utube prophecies. It was most encouraging to hear you say “go where God leads”. We should never fear dearth or want of food but God alone, let him be our fear and dread. Living on 68 acres off grid and a widow alone. Just a few months ago I moved to Virginia Beach, busy bustling city. This is where he has me. I can do more good to the love of neighbors here in time if troubles then hunckered down alone in the woods with my comforts of food and shelter. Be of good courage, He goes and prepared a house for us, in heaven, that’s my home! When I go I want to go loving my neighbor, no fear! Peace and thanks! The meeting you saw…. that’s the final nail of how the mark will come, vaccine or economic, the final roll out for the NWO. Well the Lord is ahead of them all! Lol it’s written, economic, rev 13. War first, power outages, I don’t know, but it’s here.
Hi Bettie,
I saw those boxes in the background of today’s video.It is Time,and i feel excited when i see people relocating as per Heaven’s Orders. I live in a house in Tulsa, am single many years, but no push from the nest or Peace about selling/moving…maybe my home is key for my mission…was given a couple words over last several years that it (move) will be sudden when it occurs. Safety, Peace and hidden in plain sight for you and your husband. And order and know-how for the practical side of the move…Joy is our Strength…I hope to keep in touch in some way as you transition. I am subscribed if you are led to do more videos.
Patti Pearlman
Hi Bette, thank you for encouraging words and prophecies on your utube channel. I live in New zealand, not sure if there is a safe haven for end time in here. Seems like everyone lives in comfort zone and not aware of spiritual warfare. I might be wrong though. Is there a way to donate a part from using paypal? I used to have paypal account but forgot the password and all the details. Could I just send to a bank account for instance? Please let me know. I know you guys are moving and very busy. I hope even a small token would be a help for your ministry. GOD bless you.
Dear Bette
I would like to apologize sincerely from my heart for a comment I made about a year ago regarding your doctrine. I cannot remember what I wrote but whatever it was, it continues to prick my conscience. I am more mature in Him now and have learnt to forsake my opinions. The Holy Spirit has laid it on my heart to apologize to you and I’m so happy to obey. Please forgive me for daring to be so self-opinionated and hurtful to you. I know that you work so hard for God in the ministry and nasty comments just add to your burden.
I am really very, very, very sorry.
Greetings Sister Bette, I am recently new to your youtube channel though I understand will not be available after friday until further notice. I sense the Lord wanting me to stay connected with this Ministry, not fully sure why unless He reveals more to me, since I was a young girl, God has reveal things to me through my Dreams. Just recently I have visions, I never was a visionary person, for I would only see things in my Dreams. Because I use to run with this, the Lord had to show me, it is rear and only when He chose to show me something. I never really shared with too many other then my Husband and/or a few family members. The Lord showed me something just before the Coronavirus hit our State of New York, and what I witnessed was not pleasant, I vividly remembered the sound coming from the dark clouds that was passing the Moon, the first thing I notice is the Moon, it had a tint of reddish-yellow to it. The sound I heard from the dark clouds was very unpleasant, as the sound of death, that is the best way I can explain it. There are so many other things I witness in my dreams but will leave it here for now. In my spirit-man, I do believe your gifted and do not get a unction from the Holy Spirit otherwise. I am a Housewife and have two beautiful sons (Isaiah & Joshua) their of age now in their early 20’s but still lives with us, my husband’s name is Lawrence. Please keep us in your prayers and I will do the same for you & the Ministry. I would very much like to stay in contact with the Ministry for I believe you are a true Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and take it not lightly what the Spirit shows you and how you share with us as Believers in Christ, and the invitation of others coming to Christ. Thank you for your Faithfulness & Obedience which is so rare, today, but I believe those who also have left their First Love will return, as I also have been quilty of but praise the Lord, He is Faithful and just to forgive us. I could share so much more but will leave it here for now. Grace & Peace to you, Always and your Family, also the Ministry. Sent With Love, from Sister Tracey Fields-Strange
Thank you for your YouTube videos. I’ve been waiting on the Lord’s instruction for 3 years, hearing an occasional whisper, but receiving no assignment. Please include my husband, Georges, and me in your prayers, in particular because we are homeless, and for our early 20-somethings, Christopher and Rebecca, who worry and have very limited means being college students, and are now unemployed. I fear for their safety and the strength of their faith. Thank you.
I would like to keep your contact information, but haven’t found your mailing address, only this form. I pray for your safety,a successful mission, and blessings in this hour.
Sincerely, Doreen
New Millennium: a New Beginning – Jacob is Jesus’ Sword.
God bless you, Bette
God bless you Ronnie.
Dear Bette,thank you for your updating on youtube.Please pray fore me and my family.I live by my self,and feel so alone very often.I will pray for you and your family.
Sencerly, Solveig
Hi Solveig
You are welcome and we will be praying.God bless you
I want to help you financially but all I have is cash and I can’t figure out how to send it to you. Please let me know where I should send it.
Thank you,
Hi Austin
I sent you an email…Thank you soooo much
I cannot find your email address please send it to me God bless 🙏
Hello dear Family ..and Bette especially-I am Ivan D.from Bulgaria-65-old man,an orphan,jobless from 6 =six ,months.Also, semi-disabled from 10 years.Have no own house, but pay for one room every month 100 usd.Sorry to say this Now at beginning of my letter Here-I need somebody help me financially..I never beg before in my Life for some money ..but give them when i had a job..I was helping a lot of people..and here the churches and others and my government abandoned me fully=Every month i have to pay to my room..and the other things=My Email is :vanko_vyr@abv.bg Ivan–GOD YAHUWAH BLESS YOU IN JESUS=YAHUSHUA NAME=AMEN
I knew of 911 before 1997, that’s when I realized there was communication. I was shown issues with my brother, rounding up an angry fragmented family to do an intervention laing proof but Rauch showed me. After he relapsed I was pushed to warn he’d die within 1yr if he didnt stop. He died 6mos later. I actually argued with Ruack for 10sec complaining I thought I had a year, till I was told “I said WITHIN a year.” I’ve been delivered from many many many sins all my life I’ve been a disloyal evil person seeking any power to win. The great sign in heaven woke me and I’ve prepped to endure in place or happy to be enslaved whatever is necessary, happy to die if it glorifies Him. We mustn’t condemn ourselves and there is none in Him. I’m ready to walk away from a fully provisioned solar sleeper home and follow Him. I’ve been delivered from the most heinous crime against Heaven. Praise Yahweh. I prefer head chop given I fully know what revelation states about this. If not, happy to serve however I can. However many people I can fit I’m ready. He talks to us, all we must do is listen. Yashua paid my debt leaving the turin shroud receipt on earth as proof of payment. I am redeeming this receipt come throne judgement time. I no longer call messiah YeZeus and other altered names as I’ve been corrected. I look forward to this grand finale and I’m eager to work.
Do you have paypal?
Yes we have paypal on this website.
I’m trying to see how to join your ministry. Would you please forward me this infirmation on how to obtain this request. Thank you… Mrs. Janet