
July 09,2024
Hello Everyone,
It has been awhile since I have posted anything…….So many things are changing…..I can sense things moving and almost ‘ like being rearranged.I believe we are many of us are advancing into new realms of “being about the Father’s business.’
As 2024 moves quickly,I want to take this time out ,to thank everyone for their support and good times, and as each one of
us moves into our destiny assignments, clarion calls and so forth ,I hope we will not forget to PRAY for one another and
allow the Holy Spirit who knows all things to work in our lives.
I hope to be able to do a prophetic conference call soon………are praying to see what direction God
wants us to go.. We are waiting on where we are to go……
God bless you all,we love you.
In His Service
Prophetess Bette and Pastor John Stevens
PS. We are also available to possibly travel for ministry….Our contact information is on our website@www.vvmint,org
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