December 1st 2018 ———Characteristics of the Holy SPirit

                                                               Characteristics of the Holy Spirit
1.Spirit of Faith 2Cor 4:13   We have the same Spirit of faith,according  as it is written.”I BELIEVED,AND THEREFORE IT IS SPOKEN:we also believe,and therefore speak.c/f 3:172.Spirit of Adoption Rom 8:15-16 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage,again,to fear,but ye have received the Spirit of adoption,whereby we cry “Abba Father” Note in verse 16 the King James refers to the Holy Spirit as itself.That is not correct…..The Holy Spirit is a person and has a distinctive role. Men, trying to write down from scrolls and tablets have put in their own interpretation…This is disrepec,t and blaspheming of the Holy Spirit.Also note,that this whole chapter of Romans 8 talks about life in the Spirit. 3.Spirit of Wisdom Eph 1:17That ,the God of our Lord,Jesus Christ,the Father of Glory,may give unto you the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of Him. 4.Spirit of Grace
Heb 10:29Of how much sorer punishment,suppose ye shall he be thought worthy,who hath trodden under foot the Son of GOd,and hat counted the blood of the covenant,wherewith he was sanctified,an unholy thing,and hath done despite unto the Spirit of Grace. 5.Spirit of Glory  1Pet 4:14If ye be reproached  for the name of Christ,happy are ye,for the Spirit of Glory and of God resteth upon you,on their part He is evil spoken of ,but on your part ,He is glorified.This is a short study for all to search and read and understand the Scriptures through the Holy Spirit……. God bless Bette Stevens

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