DISCIPLESHIP True discipleship is a commitment to learn share and mature in Christ……….Keeping a teachable,humble spirit……. Imitating what the Lord did ,when He walked this earth,setting by example.
Reading God’s word,leading a fasted and prayer life..We demonstrate true discipleship by the love we carry for others and all souls….Helping them to follow and receive what Jesus has for each one of them,being His teachings and commands.
There are many characteristics to true discipleship,here are ,but a few………….. 1.Become a follower of Jesus Christ. 2.Begin to build a solid foundation,meaning a personal relationship with Jesus. 3.Desire to obey God and His Commandments. 4.Build Godly relationships of like kind faith. 5.Participate in helping to disciple and or learn… 6.Shar with others or in abible study group so all may learn and interact together.
Here are a few key facts to becoming a better disciple before discipling others. Build up your FAITH Put God always as your first love…….ABOVE ALL……. Discipleship also asks us to give up foolish desires and make an effort to put others first,before ourselves.
The ultimate goal in discipleship is Christlike character and behavior.This happens as we mature daily and He tells us By this,all will know that you are His disciple,if you have love,one for another,(John 13:35)
What is Jesus moddel of discipleship??????? Connecting with a person in a personal way….one on one,life on life,heart to heart centered and obedienced forcussed.led and fueled by the Holy Spirit ,ending with a changed and or sometimes dramatic transformation…….
Here are just a few of the fruits of the Spirit for a genuine disciple ………Gal 5:22-23 This kind of behavior was also found in the description of the church………..Acts :2:42-47
Some footnotes to follow:Scriptures to delve more ………….
Matt16:21-28 1John6:16-21 1John8:31-38 2Tim 2:1-2 John 13:34-35 Matt 28:16-20 Luke 9:23-24 2Tim 1:6-14 Acts 1:7 8-12
To be a disciple and equip others 2Tim 2:2 Titus2:1-6 Eph 4:11-12
Remember ,in all this ,we are servants to the servants……honoring God in all we do and say………..
Thank you for reading,,,Please feel free to share and apply all for the glory of God…….. Bette Stevens www.vvmint.org

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