DUNAMIS POWER November 23,20022
What does the word Dunamis mean? It is said that this word is recorded in the bible 120 times.
It is the Greek word meaning power,potential and ability………..
It is the Hebrew word meaning power,strength,and ability…………
The Strong’s #1411 means literally force,miracle,abundance, mighty,power ,strenth,wonderful work
With Dunamis powerrrrrrrrr,it gives one the ability to do supernatural things.
Power to perform miracles,mighty acts and works.,but it litrzlly means POWER.
Scriptures to self study:
Acts 1-8
But you shall receive power(Dunamis),after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you:and ye shall be witnesses(Marturia,the Greek Word meaning the act of witnessing) andto e both in Jerusalem,and in Samaria,and unto the
uttermost part of the earth.
2Corinthians 12:7-10——
And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations,there was given to me a thorn in the flesh,the messenger of satan to buffet me,
lest, I should be exalted above measure.For this thing that I besought the Lord thrice,that i might depart from me.And He said unto me,My grace i sufficient for thee,
for My strength(Dumanis) is made perfect in weakness,.Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities,that the power(DUMANIS) of Christ may rest upon me.
Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities,in reproaches, in necessities,in persecutions,in distresses for Christ’s sake:for when I am weak,then am I strong.
2Corinthians 4:7——
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels,that the EXCELLENCY of the power(DUMANIS) may be of God,and not us.
Ephesians 3:20-21——
Now unto Him that is able to do EXCEEDING and abundantly above all that we ask or think,according to the power(DUMANIS) that worketh in us.
Other Scriptures as follows:
Matthew 10:1 Ephesians 1:17-23 Luke 10:19
Personal note to all that read ……..This is part of God empowering His people,some of this is already being done today……..Take everything to the Lord in prayer
All power that is given to each one of us is given from the Father of Lightsand it is not to be abused,but used correctly so that all may see the power of Jesus in each
one of us……….
Thank you for reading and please feel free to share any of these message and teachingsThey are all for the glory of God.
Bette Stevens www.vvmint.org
And I will leave you with this one more Scripture:
Luke 8:46 And Jesus,immediately knowing in Himself that virtue(DUMANIS) had gone out of Him,turnedHim about in the press,and said,Who touched My clothes?

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