Teaching for Nov.22,2022 Originally,these words were given to me on Nov 13,2022
The Power We Have Already Have Within Us
These are the POWER WORDS:
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- These are powerful words and the Lord wants His body of believers to know the power and authority and who they are and there inheritance
Empowerment——This is the power that infills the true believer ,coming from the Lord alone.To become spiritually empowered,one must humble themselves and pray
Read and Study out the Word/Bible
Be involved with others of like kind faith who understand these things that the Lord has given.Speak with others and Seek out your spiritual gifts.
Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and of good courage,fear not,nor be afreaid of them:for the Lord thy God ,He it is that doth go with thee.He will not fail thee,nor forsake thee.
Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength,they shall mount up with wings as eagles,they shall runmand not be w eary,and rthey shall walk,and not faint
Endowment——This is a gift given to a believer.Many of the gifts we receive from the Lord are to be used for His purposes.It is the gifts of the Holy Spirit given to us.The endowment
of power and how the Holy Spirit works in each of our life’s.The Lord trusts us with the things/Endowments He gives us or bestows upon us.
James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift(endowment)is from above,and cometh down from the Father of lights,with whom is no variableness,nether shadow of turning.
2 Timothy 1:6 Therefore I put thee in remeberancethat thou stir up the gift (that is the endowment given us) of God,which is in thee,by the putting on of my handsa. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–
REFORMATION——An act of Reform—–A movement.A changing of relious,political or societel/Another word is improvement.bettermentt ,correction .such as what we see the government doing.
For the church,a reinstatement of proper service to Godd that is based on Scripture.The Reformers that came along time ago,did not come by man,but by the grace of God.Reformation is the act of change.
2Kings 18:4 He removed the hight places and broke d own the sacred pillars and cut down the Asherah,He also broke in pieces the gromze serpent that Moses had made,for until those days the
sons od Israel burned incense to it:and it was called Nehushtan.
EPESIANS 4:22-24——AThat ye put off concderning the former conversation,the old man,which is corrupt according to te deceitful lusts,And be renewed in the spirit of your mind.And that ye
put on the new man,which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
(note,]:Remember The bible stresses that reform comes not by great doers and thinkers,but by the grace of God)
Restoration—–the act of restoring or making something new,repairing,Rehabilitation,Rebuilding…..For example we are a new creation,old things have passed awa,behold all things are New.
Restroation can also be an ato of returning to someone (Return to your first love——or something.Do those somethings like you did in the begining)This means Restoration can take place
in both the physical and the spiritual reaim.For example:God restores all sinners to Him .there is always hope that sinners will turn from their wickedness.The kind of Restoration God wants to do is
the Restoring of Life.Hw do w e ask God to restore our lives besides salvation?Here is Scripture:
Psalm— 51:12 Restore to me the joy of your sakvation and grant me a willing spirit,to sustain me.
1Peter 5:10—– And the God of all grace,who called youto His eternal glory in Chriat,after you have suffered a little while,will HIMSELF RESTORE you and make youstrong,firm and steadfast.
Blessings to all ho read
Bette Stevens www.vvmint,org

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