The Telephone is Ringing,Why won’t you Answer?????? Back in early December ,I heard the ringing of a telephone……and it rang and rang and no one answered it….. I kept checking my phone and later checked it again and my husband s phone the same way……No one had called nor left a message…….. Funny,I knew the phone had rung and it rang again and again and still no answer…….. Later ,the next day,the Lord brought it back to my rememberance and I realized that the phone ringing was in the spiritual…….The Lord begain to give me the interpretation of it…… This a a conversation between God and the other person(s) Ring ,ring, ring ,ring Hello………. No one answered…….. Ring,ring, ring, ring Hello…….. No one answered……… Ring,ring ,ring,ring Hello,Hello,Whose calling……… Again,no answer…… The ringing of the phone signifies the Lord’s intent on trying to reach someone before it is too late…but NO ONE EVER ANSWERS THE CALL No one ever answers on time and the Lord keeps moving forward to the next person until He finds someone that will answer the call….. Here are the Scriptures that were given to me…… Matt 20:16 So the last shall be first,and the first last………..FOR MANY BE CALLED,BUT FEW CHOSEN… Joel 3 14 Multitudes,Multitudes in the valley of decision:for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision…. There is much work to be done yet in the Kingdom,the harvest is ready ,so where are the workers..??????? One sows,the word,another waters ,hears and the Lord gives the increase……. 1Cor 3:6 Matt 13:1-9 Selah!!!

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