Author: vvmibette


word-Jan 25,2016

:Arise and shine for your light has come,the glory of the Lord is upon you…….Receive ,Receive all that Yeshua has for you…… On another  note::::::::: For those set apart,.chosen,the time has longer be hidden,no longer be afraid,for your obedience in little things have I  now put the bigger thingsRead More …

3rd RHEMA WORD- January 14,2016

                        America’s Bleaking Light House–                          RHEMA Word #3                         Home of the Fearful.Land of the Deceitful                        Once you were great,a tribute to all who would                        see your light, a blinking light house as a way to shine                        over the people could find their way home                       Read More …

Word From the Lord—–January 13,2016

Judgement comes more intensely than previously……The house of God will be judged first and those that voted for their King….Three visitations from the Lord and three Rhema words from the Lord…..You can view the first two on Z3 News and the third one is coming…….All those that scoff and mockRead More …

Continueation fo Blog Post for January 8,2016

(Judgement Comes To Those Who Voted in Their ) In His service Bette Stevens Amos 3:7-8 Surely the Lord God will do nothing ,but He revealeth His secrets unto His servants the prophets….The lion hath roared,who will not fear?the Lord God hath spoken,who can but prophesy?? Post Script…Many may say thisRead More …

Judgement Will Come To Those That Voted for Their King

   Jan 8 at 9:59 AM Judgement will fall on those who voted in their King(The President) I know this is going to be uncomfortable and some may even be offended,but when God speaks a RHEMA WORD,you pay attention~~~~~~~~ I was getting ready to retire for the night,when I heardRead More …

A Word in Season

Must  hear………The Lord is saying:::::This year is the judgement upon  My house….meaning that judgement has begun at the house of God FIRST…You cannot command Me……I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and judgement as I will…..I will take some home with Me this year,and there will beRead More …

A word for the New Year of Encouragement and Hope/December 29,2015

This is the day that the Lord has made and we shall rejoice in it…..Glory!!!!!!!!! (Please take time to read all the way through)As we approach the ending of another year,and come into the New Year,.God is calling people.not just His people,but ALL people to a self examination within themselves,HeRead More …

FOOD FOR THOUGHT—December 24,2015

FOOD FOR THOUGHT:::THIS IS NOT AN OPTION People there are so many of you out there contemplating divorce because this isn’t going your way or that isn’t right.(Infidelity is another whole issue)before you do. each of you need to look at yourselves and ask God to exam you….. You haveRead More …

A Word of Caution for December 17,2015

A Word of Caution:Every assignment,promotion is not necessarily for everyone and everyone’s assignment is not necessarily going to be the same…..Many have assignments just praying and interceding,some are in transfer mode into their assignment and some are still  waiting,and yet some are ready and God is saying,you are about toRead More …

Prophecy word given—Revelatory Word

                               Make Haste::::::The bell is now tolling on the Church                                 Revelatory Word For This Present Time                                A More than a Stern Warning                                The Lion of the Tribe of Judah will Roar begining in 2016                                  December 12.2015The bell is tolling over this nation.(America) Now the Lion willRead More …