Unity and Walk of the Believer—–November 17,2018

                                                              Unity and Walk of the Believer                                                               Part I                                                                Nov 17,2018 The Christian Walk is made up of many components such as what we will see and study in Walking implies action…….We have heard we need to walk the walk and not just talk… For many believers it is a progression…..it is a time of growing, maturing and learning…so how must we accomplish this walk, how are we to act especially as the world gets darker and there is so many warnings and negativity, and some may say, but I am struggling…(Note)I am not going to make it all that easy and write everything out, You should really be excited to learn and grow and keep moving forward to the next level:)Be encouraged to OPENyour bibles and begin to read, after a while it becomes apart of you. Let’s begin with Rom 6:4Rom 8:4-6Gal 5:16,25-262Cor 5:7Eph 2:10 and 4:1 ,5,12Eph chapter 5 describes in detail the walk of the Christian believer.Eph 5:2 and 5: 8, 15-161John1:7 backs up Eph 5:8Col 1:101Thess 4:12John3,4 and 6Phil 3:16-17Rom 13:13 All of this shows in our walk is some type of action, walk like Christ, walk in love, walk in integrity.walk in faith, walk in the spirit etc… Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice…1John 2:2       And He is the propitiation(atoning sacrifice, He propitiated God, satisfied the punishment for sin, for all time) for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.Jesus is the word, nothing needs to be done as the payment is paid in full. jNow looking at the overall of Leviticus, what rituals do we see before Jesus came …1. This book of Leviticus links up with Exodus, much was required in that a temple had to be built.2. God appears over the tent of meeting in a cloud…..3. There are many laws showing how Israel became the nation she is today.4. In the laws, there were many concepts regarding holiness, food, and the sacrifice5.The covenant and how the tabernacle was to be used…… Much like today, we have Jesus Christ s out ultimate sacrifice giving us access now to the heavenlies.The temple now is each one of Jesus believers church, and going out with the great commission.The question has the “Old Testament” been done away with, having no bearing or meaning on today????? No it still continues to play a key role,whereby Jesus fulfilled the law,(in other words, He came as was promised)and many of the statutes are still important today such as the Ten Commandments,how we act, dress, speak…..this is all the walk of the believer and should not be taken lightly…..  UNITYThe greatest obstacle to unity is laziness. Prov 29:18  lack of effect. Epe 4:3 and last, a lack of love for both man and God.John 3:16, Luke 10:19John 17:20-211Cor 1:10 and 12:12-13Gal 3:28Eph 4:11-13and 2:19 and 13-18 and 4:3 and Eph 1:10Col 3:13-14John 17:23Psalms 133:11Pet 3:81John 4:12Rom 12:16Unity should be a priority as it reveals us as one in Christ…Division pulls us apart…A house divided cannot stand. Mark 3:25 Please share some examples of how we can promote and or stay in unity..?????? This will then conclude Part IBlessings as you get into the wordBette Stevens

2 Comments to Unity and Walk of the Believer—–November 17,2018

  1. Promoting Unity by uplifting our fellow believers and supporting them.
    Gathering together in worship and praise of Our Lord.
    Helping other believers who are in need both physically and spiritually.

  2. juliekay

    Yes, but we must live holy and set an example…There is a lot at stake and many today do not really know how to live the word.Helping is wonderful and t hat is important but it cannot save…..

    God bless……..

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