A Holy convocation,An Unholy Abomination==Retribution will Come This word was given to me around toward the end of September along with a vision Thus do I say,”A Holy Convocation,A Solemn Assembly.Write ,therefore what My Word says and tell the people,”And in the first day there shall be a holy convocation and in the seventh day there shall be a holy convocation to you:no manner of work shall be done in them save that which every man must eat.that only may be done.. You may also follow up with Lev 23:2 and also Num 28:26 An Unholy Abominations: tell the people,abortion,your unholy allegiance to an unholy nation(USA),same sex marriage and the Rainbow(My Covenant),your drawback from My nation of Israel. Retribution will come:Tell the people that punishment ,judgement will come now and in the hereafter…….I will avenge whom I will avenge and have mercy on whom I will have mercy…….. Because of your own speculations,your own opinions .do you think you can make them happen ????? The skies will fall,the earth will shake,and every knee and every tongue will bow and acknowlege Me as Lord and Saviour….. Do not put your trust in what is coming and or being said,not all of it will happen like so many of you think……Many of you think that you have it all figured out and use My word as a tool to cause others to stumble…..Fools,I call you,don’t you know only I can make it happen and it is not over ,until I say it is…….Do not try and figure it out in your own minds,but occupy,and   bring the full counsel to the lowly,the unlovely,the unreachable and the least of these.You yearn to be taken up,but yet have you occupied and done as I have asked????Too many think only of themselves and do not care about others,,,,,yet everyone do I see and the gospel will be reached across this dying nation and every word will be fullfilled before My coming… Are you sure that your lamp is filled ?????? Prov6:16 -19 =====These six thngs doth the Lord hate,yea,seven are an abomination unto Him.. verse 17========-=A proud look,a lying tongue,and hands that shed innocent blood,, verse 18==========A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations,feet that be swift in running to mischef. verse 19==========A false witness that speaketh lies,and he that soweth discord among the brethren.. Note::The abominations have already reached their limit and the Lord Almighty is ready to spew out his judgments on a world like never before,,Humble yourselves,before He has to do it,,,,,,,,, Deut 4:=========24 For the Lord thy God is a consuming fire,even a jealous God. For Retribution (Vengeance) belongs to Me…. Retribution – Vengeance====Deut 32:25  To Me belongeth vengeance,and recompense,their foot shall slide in due time..for the day of their calamity is at hand and the things that shall come upon them make haste. Footnote:2 Cor 13:5   Examine yourselves,whether you be in the faith,prove your own selves,how that Jesus Christ is in you,except ye be reprobates The above Scripture meaning .look at yourself,are you a counterfeit,are we a genuine believer or a fake?????Retrobates-greek word adokimoi meaning fakes Will you know who is and who isn’t????? FINAL : Rev 22:10-11   And He saith unto me (John) Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book:FOR THE TIME IS AT HAND…….. He that is unjust ,let him be unjust still,and he which is filthy,let him be filthy still ::and he that is righteous ,let him be righteous still:and he that is holy,let him be holy still.. The vision will follow soon……..Please take all to the Holy Spirit…….. A Humble Servant Bette Stevens www.vvmint.org

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