Given to me on August 17,2014 by the Spirit of the Lord

BEWARE OF FALSE AGENDAS…..they do not come from Me,says the Spirit of the Lord….. BEWARE OF FALSE MESSIAHS……They flatter themselves with soft words add all those things that people want to hear….to keep them bound in their sin….. BEWARE OF FALSE TEACHERS……for they do not even know the times that are at hand,and deny even those things that have come upon the earth… BEWARE OF FALSE DOCTRINE….For many fall because it sounds so spiritual…The enemy will do all he can to lure in things from the world and into the church and it will attach itself as part of the church…. BEWARE OF FALSE PEACE…..for things will look as they are(normal) until they are not……. BEWARE OF FALSE IDOLS……..There are many and people run to them and these idols become very important…….ie;forms of idolatry,people.places and things) BEWARE OF FALSE PRETENSE….Those that mix truth with a lie …… Finally”Gird yourself in truth,Guard your heart…… Put on the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of Righteousness. and put on the shoes of peace……… I will release many things if you will only spend time with Me….Everything in the bible will help you to live as I want you too,but I am the WORD and the WORD was made flesh and dwelt amongst you.. In the beginning was the WORD,and the WORD was with God and the WORD was God…..but I left you the Holy Spirit to direct you into all truth…… DIG AND DIG DEEPER

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