Author: Bette



What are some of the Holy and Sacred things of God??????? I am bringing this up today as the Lord has been speaking to me about things things…. We are very near many things happening soon in which there will be no more warnings, but judgments falling ………….Is your lifeRead More …

The Day of the Lord—–Part 2

The Day of the Lord had come……For those that were of the Lord ,there was happiness and relief,for others their was no relief for what awaited them… Summary It is true…….That day is coming quicker than we think………Have you kept yourself Holy ,have you even spoken about the gospel andRead More …

The Mighty Return of the Lord—–Get your affairs in Order

In the Early morning hours of August 13,2023, I heard this word: GET YOUR AFFAIRS IN ORDER ———————————————— Then the word came through fierce and strong: Look straight ahead,what do you see” I see Jesus Christ,the Messiah,on a white steed.the reins of pure gold,and the white robe with colors brightlyRead More …

The meaning for 2023 with the letter X given by a brother in the Lord

You can read the actual vision right here on the blog X is the Roman Numeral for the number 10 The number 10 = [ower,authority and order or divine power of Christ,meaning that God will soon send and show HIS power and everything that goes with it and the spiritualRead More …

Vision Given to a Brother July 2023-continued from below word

These angels took him through the gates which led inside to a church that said VICTORY HOUSE There was a very tall angel on a stage with a large paper which read and please keep in mind that these numbers are referring to the next few years. 2023 X nestRead More …

Vision Given by a Brother In the Lord—–July 26,2023

Please take all to the Lord in prayer….. Here is what this brother said.; I’m taken to this Church called VICTORY HOUSE! I ask the Father how will I get in? The Lord shows me two gates. Angels bring me through. I get inside and a tall Angel is onRead More …

The End Days Houses Churches,Cities of Refuge,Better Known as Goshens or Safe Havens

Please listen carefully…God is speaking His word……Are you listening…….??????Are you allowing the whirl wind of the Almighty to speak to you? So be it,In an urgent word,the house church,groups ,underground churches,must be set .be on alert now.God is calling……… For right now,SHelter In Place ,I have heard for a longRead More …

Reminder of Hope———July 26,2023

Hello Everyone, Let us rejoice,for this is the day that the Lord has made and we shall rejoice in it……amen. I want to bring you all a reminder that things are expediting in the spiritual realm……and will manifest itself in the spiritual realm….. Its a reminder of hope,that all isRead More …


Hello Everyone. I wanted to ad a side note in conjunction to the posting about the CONVERGENCE happening……This is going on right now and people are being empowered with God’s power and light to do might works,this is past of the Convergence going on now, along with all the thingsRead More …


Word of the Lord for July 10,2023 And even before then given to my husband CONVERGENCE All thing converging now Converging,Converging,Converging. All things converging now. Time is short. Thank you for reading John Stevens Sent from Proton Mail mobile