October 3,2017
October 3,2017 And the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us……..This word came to methis morning and It is strictly Scripture……PleaseRead More …
America On Fire—September 25,2017
September 25th,2017 Sitting at my desk doing some research and I suddenly from out of nowhere here the words,”Burn Baby Burn,” silence and then again”,Burn Baby Burn ” I was then in an open vision and I saw fire everywhere,it was literally everywhere,Every place was burning,and the smoke madeRead More …
Fw: Corrected Transcription Dire, Danger For America
. “Dire, Danger For America” Message, Prophecy Encouragements by Bette StevensSept.18, 2017 on Youtube.https://youtu.be/U8ZvfEb3Yjs Transcription:Massive Intercession Is Needed. I want to share a few words I received from the Lord over the past few days. Three (D’s)Dire, Danger, Destruction. The Lord wasRead More …
Confirming follow up on vision given on August 22,2017 by another Sister in Christ
Signs in the Heavens…this is what is known1.) The moment the eclipse touches the U.S. soil in Salem Oregon the sunset will also be setting in Jerusalem at the same time. First time in history this will happen. 2.) Jesus was believed to be 33 years old when he was crucified.3.)Read More …
sharing June 27,2017
Sharing the word given me by the Holy Spirit….This is NOT an endtime game,but rather it IS life happening NOW.Open Vision in the morning…I saw the sky open,and a beautiful staircase come down to the ground. I saw a LONG scroll roll out all the way down and across theRead More …
Encouragement -June 27,2017
Use discernment,don’t always go along with what everyone else is saying or doing……We must know God and the Holy Spirit for ourselves……What is HE telling you to do or say or needs to be done…….It is easier to go along with the crowd,than it is to stand separate……God isRead More …
Shame on America—–June 21,2017
– Message body SHAME on America…….Are you listening to what I am saying…..(The Lord is speaking) You have brought dishonor upon your land,and not just on this land,but other lands as well..You have purged your own selves under the guise of bringing false claims,a heart full of corruption and evil,aRead More …
Bette Stevens June 17,2017 This is not a time to argue amongst yourselves.There is great battles going on in the heavenlies……There is also great anticipation for the coming of the bride,alas there is also those being made ready for war….The bride’s table is all set….It is adorned,,,It awaits its bride,likeRead More …