Prophecy word given—Revelatory Word
Make Haste::::::The bell is now tolling on the Church Revelatory Word For This Present Time A More than a Stern Warning The Lion of the Tribe of Judah will Roar begining in 2016 December 12.2015The bell is tolling over this nation.(America) Now the Lion willRead More …
Prophecy word given as a Now word on December 11,2015 Lamentations Surrounding Not Coming To America
New Assignments givein on 12?01?15
Much going on in the spiritual realm……Clean hands and a pure heart to receive is what I am hearing in the Spirit…… Also God is going to give many new assignments.GUARD your heart…Too many voices and not enough time spent with the LordI am making a public declaration that GodRead More …
Part 2 November 30,2015
Part 2 to the first post I just put out……… 1.While praying and in your prayer closets,it is time to take a step back and CHECK whom you are to be with……Look for those that are totally sold out to God,you will be drawn by their fruit and you willRead More …
Novembet 30,2015
I sense an urgency in my spirit.something is in the wind ,so to speak and it is going to come suddenly…Many of God’s people are being called out on new assignments.,,Ministries not really well known,will now rise to the surface with an uncompromising spirit, ahuge desire to serve only HimRead More …
Be EXTREMELY CAREFUL—November 25,2015
I had a sister contact me yesterday and she is always encouraging me and especially the Lord has always given her Revelation 3:12 when she prays which reads:Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God,and he shall go no more out:and if I writeRead More …
I just had an open vision of many souls falling into hell with out God ,and in my spirit came these words.Did I not say in my word that I would FIRST come to my house and judge,and yet many do not know that they are very close to myRead More …
Have you Thought
Many souls are at stake,,,,Some will be celebrating thanksgiving,going and comings,some with families,some without anyone to share……Will you be praying and sharing the gospel this season, or will you be one of the ones that fall into eternity without a last chance….??????A reality check people,today could be your lastRead More …
Hear today and gone tomorrow
It’s time to make sure you are right with God,VERY sure…..In the days ahead it wont be anything,or anyone that can save you…..Everything we have ever known is going to fall by the wayside….Then when we are faced with the inevitable,”What will your response be” The sword is comingRead More …