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The Telephone is Ringing,Why won’t you Answer?????? Back in early December ,I heard the ringing of a telephone……and it rang and rang and no one answered it….. I kept checking my phone and later checked it again and my husband s phone the same way……No one had called nor leftRead More …

A Call To Holiness

A CALL AND RETURN TO HOLINESS NOVEMBER 12,2014 A Warning from the Lord This day ,return to Me……says the Lord…As you abide in Me,so shall I abide in you…….. Have I not commanded you to be Holy as I am Holy???Have I not told you not to quench My HolyRead More …

RE”I Am Sharng This Article…Please read…..Truth is Truth!!!!!!!!!

________________________________ Additional Titles Other Daubenmire Articles: Churches Are Spreading Mad Cow Disease The Deluded Christian Church NWV Store Books DVDs Merchandise Writers Advertise Submit Story Contact NWV Donate to NWV About NWV NWV Home More Daubenmire Articles: SPIRITUAL EBOLA By Coach Dave Daubenmire November 20, 2014 Our children areRead More …

REHELLO To The New and Ongoing Listeners—Please read….We are so blessed

Good day We just wanted to welcome all the new people that are listening and reading now……..and we thank all who have been returning to the website for updates……We try to post updates as quick as we can…..Sometimes we miss the mark,but please bare with us……… If you want toRead More …


I saw a staircase made of beautiful gold inlay and ivory…….The steps itself were of pure refined gold,so clear you could see your reflection..andfir you could almost see fire ,so pure and refined as the reflection from the stairs caught the glow……… The banister had pearls,rubies and sapphires embedded inRead More …


COVERED BY THE BLOOD………ARE YOU/????????????????? THE INVITATION In my posting from yesterday I shared the dream about the beautiful staircase leading up to heaven ,the rising from glory to glory and the Ark of the Covenant wide open………. The dream is an open invitation to get into the Ark quicklyRead More …


can tell you now that the wind of the Holy Spirit is flowing mightily as it picks up speed…it is traveling across nations,every man ,woman and child will sense this mighty wind……….As it picks up gusto .it will also divide.those for and those against…….Holy Spirit will bring fire to purgeRead More …


HEALING AND PRAISE TESTIMONY TIME::::: Encouraging word for those that are dealing with back and spine pain issues or disease…….Mine came out of nowhere,,,IT was a spiritual attack,,,,,Let me explain……… I was diagnosed with a degenerative disease of the spine.,years ago I was told as I got older I wouldRead More …


Don’t allow others to influence what you know is true and what God has given you…….After having done all….STAND!!!!!!!Ephes:6:13 Don’t allow the influence of quenching of the Holy Spirit or the gifts or to despise prophecy….1Thess5:19 Quenching of the Spirit and 1 Thess 5:20 Despise not prophecy……. Many do notRead More …

Thy Kingdom COme,Thy Will be Done

Lesson for October 14,2014 Thy Kingdom Come,Thy Will Be done Please read all of the Lord’s prayer and pay close attention to the following Scripture   Matt:6:10 The Lord’s Prayer:::::”Thy Kingdom come,Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven…. We pray the kingdom to come ,which isRead More …