Deep Revelation—–Proclamation——-July 4,2023

Hello everyone and welcome,both old and new registers……and more I want to give you a word,not a vision,but a Rhema word revealed to me by the Lord. We know that bibles will be burned and or confiscated ,even christian books at some point. But there is a very serious planRead More …


This prophecy word is titled …….. FIRE AND ICE REFINER”s FIRE ———————————-CONSUMING FIRE The Scriptures that go with this are::::: Deut 4:24 Heb 12:29 Psa 104:4 Luke 12:49 Jer 20:8:9 Heb.12:5-11 Cor 3:13 Luke 12:49 Psa 69:9 1 Pet 1:7 Isa 485:10 Pro 17:3 —————————————————————————————————————————- ICE Job 38:29 Psa 147:17Read More …


Hello Everyone to and welcome to this Website……and welcome to any new people comng on or stopping by,checking back to see what else is up here. We welcome your prayer requests,your comments and hopefully this website will be a help to you…. Again,everything on this website is FREE,DOWNLOADABLE AND CANRead More …

VISION?WORD JUne 20,2023

Message Given:June 20,2023 I was very restless during the night.In the wee hours of the night the Lord came to me and showed me a blank screen…Keep in mind this is in the spirit……. He showed me a very important message,Here is the message as the words appeared on theRead More …


Now Faith Is Hebres 11:1 What does that mean to you????? Meaning the assurance of things hoped for,the conviction of things not yet seen. Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please Him,for He who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is aRead More …


Topic : Relationship with Jesus Christ 1, Salvation What is Salvation: Salvation is the faith and belief of what Jesus Christ did on the Cross,through repentance,thus paying the price for ever,and bringing us back to a closer relationship with Him,having then complete complete access to the Father and the heaven……..OurRead More …


Housechurch Guidelines Do”s and Dont’s January 25,2023 Reminders for those who are in Leadership of A House church Does not have to be in a house ,can be in a batn,a tent etc It is a meeting of believers coming together in one accord for to equip,encourage,correct,teach and whatever elseRead More …

ignite the spirit

IGNITE THE SPIRIT Dec 09,2022 As a body of TRUE born again believers,once again,the Lord is calling us to “IGNITE THE SPIRIT” What does all this mean?? Lets look at what Ignite the Spirit means in a biblical sense.In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit has come down like fireRead More …


The Death Angel has been Released on the Nations and Expediting Judgement On the Church The Death Angel Comes,but so Does God’s ministering Angels For the record,I will give a little background….. From January 1 through January 6th between the hours of 4-5AM Central time I was taken with theRead More …


DISCIPLESHIP True discipleship is a commitment to learn share and mature in Christ……….Keeping a teachable,humble spirit……. Imitating what the Lord did ,when He walked this earth,setting by example. Reading God’s word,leading a fasted and prayer life..We demonstrate true discipleship by the love we carry for others and all souls….Helping themRead More …